2011년 5월 26일 목요일

COMPSCI proj 01

It is just right to recall the history of computer which has made the world smaller in my very first blog. This machine has made it easy for us to store bulk of files, do series of mathematical computation, reach the other side of the world and freely express our minds through the advent of the internet.

Although it was not clear who and when the computer is invented, we people can sum up its history this way: First, there was only the mechanical calculator that Blaise Pascal introduced in 1960’s that was later modified into the first multiplying calculators before the American Revolution. Several other mechanical computing machines were then invented, yet it was in 1936 when Konrad Zuse, a German construction engineer designed the first programmable computer. On the other side, John Vincent Atanasoff and Clifford (John) Berry had been working on the first digital computer whose function was to solve linear equations in physics. Next was the fast development in the advancement of computer. Here is the significant chronology of events in the history of computer based on http://inventors.about.com/library/blcoindex.htm.  

1944- Howard Aiken & Grace Hopper-  The Harvard Mark 1 computer

1946- John Presper Eckert & John W. Mauchly- ENIAC 1 Computer

1948- Frederic Williams & Tom Kilburn-Manchester Baby Computer&The Williams Tube

1947/48- John Bardeen, Walter Brattain & Wiliam Shockley- The Transistor

1951 -John Presper Eckert & John W. Mauchly- UNIVAC Computer

(First commercial computer & able to pick presidential winners).
1953- International Business Machines- IBM 701 EDPM Computer (IBM enters into 'The History of Computers'.)

1954 - John Backus & IBM- FORTRAN Computer Programming Language (The first successful high level programming language.)

1955(In Use 1959)- Stanford Research Institute, Bank of America, and General Electric-
(The first bank industry computer - also MICR (magnetic ink character recognition for reading checks.)

1958- Jack Kilby & Robert Noyce- The Integrated Circuit (Otherwise known as 'The Chip')

1962 -Steve Russell & MIT- Spacewar Computer Game (The first computer game invented.)

1964- Douglas Engelbart-Computer Mouse & Windows (Nicknamed the mouse because the tail came out the end.)

1969-ARPAnet (The original Internet)

1970- Intel 1103 Computer Memory (The world's first available dynamic RAM chip)

1971- Faggin, Hoff & Mazor- Intel 4004 Computer Microprocessor (The first microprocessor.)

1971 -Alan Shugart &IBM- The "Floppy" Disk (Nicknamed the "Floppy" for its flexibility.)

1973 -Robert Metcalfe & Xerox- The Ethernet Computer Networking (Networking.)

1974/75 -Scelbi & Mark-8 Altair & IBM 5100 Computers (The first consumer computers.)

1976/77 -Apple I, II & TRS-80 & Commodore Pet Computers (More first consumer computers. )
1979- Seymour Rubenstein & Rob Barnaby- WordStar Software(Word Processors.)

1981- IBM- The IBM PC Home Computer

1981- Microsoft- MS-DOS Computer Operating System

1983- Apple Lisa Computer(The first home computer with a GUI, graphical user interface) .

1984- Apple Macintosh Computer(The more affordable home computer with a GUI.)

1985- Microsoft Windows(Microsoft begins the friendly war with Apple.)

          The two leading names in computer technology dominate the computer industry in period of information technology. What will come next will be for the consumers who always want to be updated with the latest model to look forward to.