2011년 7월 3일 일요일

Law and order (Access Nation)


Originally it came from the verb Hack which means” To cut into repeatedly and/or irregularly”. Hacking can be breaking it means breaks the programs. For usage as a Slang Term or Jargon for the act of breaking into (hacking into) computers and computer networks which adopted as a common term in Computer Science.

A computer virus

It is a computer program that can copy itself and infect to the computer. It is written specifically for corrupting of the computer files and programs and it can also carry out its tasks based on the users’ activities or the works with the computer. And if it’s not controlled it will be attached in the files and the programs and spread it everywhere throughout a computer or a network. A virus created for windows affects only windows systems and not any other systems. Lastly, they infect only computer software.

A computer worm

It is very similar to a virus, a computer worm is self-replicating computer programs. It can use a network to send many copies of itself to other computers on the network without any user’s intervention or agreement. It can also self replicate sending out hundreds or thousands of copies of itself to mails or contacts in our messengers.

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